Friday, 10 June 2016

10 survival tips for coping with a toddler and a new baby

As you probably know, I am expecting baby number 2 at the end of August. My first sproglet will be 21 months by then and I am sure she will take a bit of adjusting to the inevitable changes, including less attention, a grumpy tired mummy and twice as much screaming in the house.
To prepare for the upcoming blitzkrieg, I have been asking friends and family for tips on how to cope when adding a new baby into a household with a toddler. Here are some of my favourites:

1) Put the baby in a travel cot in the living room so it is out of reach of inquisitive pokey toddler fingers

2) Always have a bribe (snack!) on you to keep the toddler under control

3) Use a sling as much as possible

4) Make time to listen to what the toddler is trying to tell you

5) Have a secret stash of wrapped "presents" for the toddler, so they don't feel left out when people bring presents for the new baby - I might stock up at the local charity shop!

6) Read mummy blogs to stay sane and as a good reminder that you are not the only one struggling

7) Involve toddler with looking after the baby - but don't make it seem like a chore! I'm hoping bean1 will love fetching bits and entertaining bean2 with her singing and dancing

8) Accept any offers of help from friends and family

9) Games which can be played from the sofa are great for breastfeeding, such as I-spy, Simon Says, musical statues, anything on an iPad...

10) Get outside! A quick visit to the park, a playdate with friends or even some time in the garden will make you all feel refreshed and tire out the toddler. Fresh air also seems to relax babies (or at least make the screaming seem quieter)

Building dens and hiding under cushions are bean1's current favourite game!

And if it all fails, get a loan to pay for a nanny and just put your feet up for a bit!
I have also found a wonderful website with a suggested routine for when you have a baby and toddler

Do you have any good advice to add to this?

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