Dummies are very much a marmite topic with most people. Before I had children, I was against them, thinking they were a sign of lazy parenting. I mainly just didn't like seeing children running around the park with dummies in, or trying to talk to you whilst sucking a dummy. As a child, I was a thumb sucker when I was little but soon grew out of it, especially in public.
Becoming a parent completely changed my attitude. I realised that everyone parents differently, there is no right or wrong way, and you just do whatever you can to cope some days. Dummies these days are well designed to not to mess up their teeth and look quite cute. Plus it is much easier to wean children off a dummy than their thumb, you can't take away their digits!
Both of my children use dummies to settle them and calm them down. They have been wonderful for helping us all get more sleep and for stopping any screaming when trying to drive! However, I still don't like them to suck on dummies in public as they don't need the comfort and I don't want to hinder their speech. But I understand we're not all the same and don't judge other mums who do this any more!
The same can be said for so many other things, letting children watch tv (cbeebies is actually quite enjoyable and educational!), eat orange foods (I lived on orange foods and turned out fine) and even combining these two. Feeding children is a horrible trial some days and you will do anything to get them to eat!
The main thing I have learnt is that doing these so-called 'bad habits' to happier children and much less stressed parents. So just do whatever helps and enjoy your children :)
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